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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Employee Profile >

Skill  contain details of employee skills and capabilities. Skills are the transferable skills for example, "Communication" or "Team Work". Employers would search for certain skills in an employee to make them employable.


  1. Employee Profile
  2. Succession Planning

Steps to add Skill

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".  
  2. Enter below details.
    1. Select the "Employee". Employee list is maintained under "Link Web - Employee Profile - Employee Maintenance".
    2. Select the skill "Code". Skills list maintained under "LinkWEB - HRM Maintenance".
    3. Enter the "Skill Level".
    4. Enter  "Details" on the skill.
    5. Enter "Notes" to add additional information.
    6. Void - Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups . Edit the record and "UN-tick" void to activate a record.

Figure 1: Employee Skill